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Which Age Group Has the Highest Accident Rate?

Did you know that your age could significantly influence your likelihood of being involved in an accident? The relationship between age and accident rates reveals crucial patterns that everyone should know about – whether you are a young driver, a concerned parent, or simply interested in road safety. At The Harris Firm, we take these …

What Percentage of Car Accidents Are Caused by Teenage Drivers?

What Percentage of Car Accidents are Caused by Teenage Drivers? You are driving down a quiet residential street when suddenly, a car speeds past you, swerving erratically before crashing into a nearby tree. As you pull over to help, you notice the driver looks young – very young. Tragically, this scenario plays out all too …

What Percentage of Car Accidents Are Caused by Teenage Drivers

The minimum driving age is 16 in Alabama, and getting a license is a rite of passage for most people. However, teenagers cause a disproportionate share of collisions. Because they have less experience behind the wheel and struggle with more distractions, teen drivers can crash and injure their passengers as well as innocent people. Call …

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